• Educatie

    What makes a lecture or seminar awesome? And what’s a boring one? Results from a short discussion with students from Generation Z

    Each year I meet new students in my role as university lecturer at the Bucharest University of Economic Studies. And each year, I learn a lot from them. A couple of year ago, I found two pieces of information that you can find below. The first is related to “Top 10 Skills”, mainly as a comparison between 2020 and 2014, in which Complex Problem Solving, Critical Thinking & Creativity are the first 3. The second picture is one of my favorite when it comes to the future of education. The role of the educator switches from “Expert” to “Facilitator” while the access is currently desired to be anytime, anywhere and…

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  • Educatie

    Interviu Bugetarii Veseli: Ce e un profesor astazi?

    La inceputul lunii noiembrie 2015, am acordat un interviu pentru Bugetarii Veseli (o organizatie non-guvernamentala a carei viziune este cresterea increderii in sistemul public din Romania prin imbunatatirea serviciilor si programelor de dezvoltare personala si profesionala). Interviul de mai jos este preluat de pe https://bugetariiveseli.wordpress.com/2015/11/04/ce-e-un-profesor-astazi/, insa de curand Bugetarii Veseli au un nou site disponibil aici. Bugetarii Veseli: Ce reprezinta pentru tine statutul de profesor? A fi profesor, astazi, este un prilej de reflectare la trecut, dar si de planificare a viitorului educației. Cand ma refer la trecut, ma gandesc la modul traditional în care era perceput un profesor, dar totodată modul în care se comporta profesorul in trecut. Astazi, un profesor…

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